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What Are the Common Causes of Anxiety?

blurred image of distraught woman surrounded by crowd symbolizing what are the common causes of anxiety

Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety or worry. Stressful situations, such as interviews, public speaking, or deadlines, can cause people to feel anxious, and this is normal. However, some people experience intense and persistent fear and worry about everyday situations, which can be an anxiety disorder. These excessive feelings of anxiety are not normal and can negatively impact your life. Those with anxiety often experience panic attacks where they feel a sudden impending sense of doom. Untreated anxiety disorder can make it challenging to fulfill daily tasks and responsibilities.

At Northpoint Nebraska, we understand the significance of mental health for your overall health and well-being. We provide high-quality care and evidence-based treatment programs to support patients through the healing and recovery process. Our anxiety treatment program is intended to help those struggling with anxiety learn how to manage their condition. To learn more about our facility and programs, contact Northpoint Nebraska at 888.351.3834

Understanding the Common Causes of Anxiety

People’s unique experiences and circumstances will impact their struggles with anxiety. There are various common causes of anxiety, which will differ from person to person. When someone has anxiety, it can interfere with their relationships, professional life, and personal life. For those struggling, it is beneficial to seek professional help to get the adequate care and support you need. In our anxiety treatment program, patients work with our team of mental health professionals to understand the underlying causes of their anxiety to better understand themselves and their condition.

Some of the common causes of anxiety are:

  • Experience a past trauma
  • Genetic history
  • People with certain personality types are more prone to anxiety disorders
  • A health condition or serious illness
  • Having another mental health condition like depression
  • A buildup of stress
  • Struggles with substance abuse

In our anxiety treatment program, individuals can learn about what caused their anxiety, which is significant for healing and recovery. Reflecting on yourself and your experiences is crucial for navigating life with anxiety. Speaking to someone about your past and struggles with mental health can be challenging and uncomfortable. However, it is an essential step in the healing process, and it helps you understand how to regulate your thoughts and emotions.

Learning About Anxiety Causes and Anxiety Triggers During Treatment

In addition to learning about anxiety causes, a significant component of treatment and therapy is identifying anxiety triggers. A trigger is a stimulus that brings on or worsens anxiety symptoms. Everyone is unique, and their specific recovery challenges will be influenced by their lives and experiences. It is essential to identify your anxiety triggers so you can prepare and develop healthy coping mechanisms for them.

Below are examples of common anxiety triggers:

  • A complicated or unhealthy home environment
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Social gatherings
  • Specific people or relationships
  • Work environment
  • Neglecting self-care
  • Poor nutrition and fitness habits
  • Interpersonal conflict

Knowing your anxiety triggers is critical for managing your symptoms and reactions. During treatment, patients learn healthy coping strategies to deal with triggers. This can include creating a healthy routine, setting boundaries, and practicing mindfulness. Finding healthy coping mechanisms for anxiety is crucial because there is a link between mental illness and addiction. It is not uncommon for those with anxiety to abuse substances to cope with negative thoughts and feelings. This is not only physically unhealthy but will worsen your mental health and lead to further health complications. If you are struggling with anxiety, the best thing to do is reach out for help and find a mental health facility.

Anxiety Treatment Program at Northpoint Nebraska

For those ready to begin treatment, our team can help. Call us at 888.351.3834 or reach out online to learn more about our anxiety treatment program and various treatment options.

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