
How Do You Calm PTSD Triggers?

a person holds another's hand after explaining how to calm ptsd triggers

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a debilitating condition that often affects individuals who have experienced a traumatic event. It’s characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. One of the significant aspects of managing the condition is learning how to calm PTSD triggers.

If you’re grappling with PTSD, remember you’re not alone, and help is just a call away. Northpoint Nebraska’s PTSD treatment program is designed to help you regain control over your life by managing your triggers effectively. Our compassionate professionals are skilled in treating PTSD and have a track record of helping individuals just like you. Reach out to us today by calling 888.351.3834.

What Are PTSD Triggers?

PTSD triggers are stimuli that remind a person of their traumatic experience. These triggers can be anything—a smell, sound, sight, or even a thought—and they can cause intense emotional and physical reactions. For people with PTSD, these triggers can lead to anxiety attacks, intense fear, and even re-experiencing the trauma through flashbacks. Understanding what these triggers are is the first step toward managing them.

How to Calm PTSD Triggers

Managing PTSD triggers involves recognizing the trigger, understanding your reaction, and implementing coping strategies to mitigate its impact. Here are a few steps:

  • Identify your triggers – Start by identifying what triggers your PTSD symptoms. This could be done by keeping a journal and noting down experiences, situations, or things that cause distress.
  • Practice mindfulness – Mindfulness involves staying present and focused. By concentrating on your breath or the sensation of your feet touching the ground, you can divert your attention away from the trigger.
  • Seek professional help – Therapists and psychologists trained in trauma can provide techniques and therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) that can help manage triggers and symptoms.
  • Seek social support – Talking to family and friends can provide the comfort and consolation you need to manage your triggers more effectively.
  • Engage in self-care practices – Take care of yourself by engaging in activities that bring joy and release stress, such as yoga, meditation, or physical activity.

These are just a few methods for managing your symptoms. There are some more specific tools that can help you calm PTSD triggers as well.

Calming Tools for PTSD Triggers

Here are some tools that can aid in calming PTSD triggers:

  • Breathing techniques – Deep breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety and panic associated with triggers. The “4-7-8” technique, where you breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven, and exhale for eight, is particularly effective for many people.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation – This involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body. It can help reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and bring a sense of calm.
  • Grounding techniques – Grounding techniques help you stay in the present moment and distance your thinking from the traumatic memory. This could involve focusing on the details of a physical object or counting backward from 100.
  • Exercise – Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and improve mood by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals.
  • Mindfulness apps – There are several mindfulness apps available that offer guided meditations and exercises specifically designed to help manage PTSD symptoms.

Even if you employ these tools and techniques, professional help may still be your best option for better mental health. Reaching out is not a mark of failure—it’s a sign of strength.

How a PTSD Treatment Program Can Help

A PTSD treatment program offers a structured approach to managing and overcoming PTSD. These programs can provide a range of treatments, including individual therapy, group therapy, medication, and alternative therapies like art therapy or equine therapy.

These programs are led by professionals who understand the complexities of PTSD and can provide the tools and support needed to navigate the healing journey. From teaching how to identify triggers and providing strategies to calm them to offering the chance to connect with others who are experiencing similar struggles, a PTSD treatment program can be a crucial part of discovering a healthier life.

Start PTSD Treatment at Northpoint Nebraska

If you or a loved one is struggling with PTSD, Northpoint Nebraska’s experienced professionals and compassionate staff can help. Our treatment program is designed to equip individuals with the tools needed to better manage their triggers and learn to live life in a meaningful and balanced way.

Connect with the help you need today. Call 888.351.3834 or complete our secure online form to get started.