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Heroin Addiction: When To Get Help

troubled young man seated on couch with head in his hands contemplating heroin addiction and when to get help.

Heroin, an opioid made from the resin of poppy plants, has been a pervasive source of addiction for centuries. Initially used for medicinal purposes in the 19th century, it quickly became apparent that heroin carried with it a high risk of dependence and addiction. Today, people often turn to heroin as an escape from physical or emotional pain, seeking temporary relief from its powerful, euphoric effects. Knowing when to get help with heroin addiction is essential.

However, the consequences are severe. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 15,000 people died from heroin-related overdoses in the United States in 2018 alone1. These statistics underscore the severity of heroin addiction and emphasize the urgent need for heroin addiction treatment.

Northpoint Nebraska offers inpatient heroin addiction treatment to residents of Omaha and the surrounding area. Call 888.351.3834 to learn more about our programs and services, verify insurance, or get started with treatment today.

Signs You Need Heroin Addiction Treatment

Recognizing the signs of heroin addiction is crucial. The most obvious signs are physical and behavioral changes.

Physical Signs of Heroin Addiction

  • Sudden weight loss – This is often due to a lack of appetite or neglect of proper nutrition.
  • Changes in pupil size – Heroin use often results in constricted, pinpoint pupils.
  • Flu-like symptoms – These can include runny nose, watery eyes, and excessive sweating, often during withdrawal periods.
  • Track marks – These are visible signs of intravenous heroin use, typically found on arms.
  • Decreased personal hygiene – Individuals may neglect their personal care due to their preoccupation with drug use.
  • Skin infections or abscesses – These can occur at injection sites and can be severe.
  • Sleep disturbances – Heroin users often have irregular sleeping patterns, including insomnia or oversleeping.
  • Slow or shallow breathing – This is a significant effect of opioid use and can be life-threatening in an overdose situation.
  • Mood swings – Regular heroin use can lead to emotional instability, manifesting in sudden and unpredictable mood changes.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that these signs may not be apparent in all individuals dealing with heroin addiction. However, noticing any of these changes can be a strong indicator that it’s time to seek help.

Behavioral Signs of Heroin Addiction

  • Neglecting responsibilities – This can manifest as decreased performance at work or school, missing appointments, or not fulfilling obligations.
  • Loss of interest in hobbies – Activities that the individual once enjoyed may no longer hold their attention.
  • Secrecy and isolation – There may be a tendency to withdraw from friends and family or to become secretive about their activities.
  • Risk-taking behaviors – These might include driving while under the influence, risky sexual behaviors, or illegal activities to obtain heroin.
  • Financial difficulties – Unexplained spending or constantly needing money can be a sign of drug addiction.
  • Legal problems – This can include arrests for possession of heroin or other related issues.
  • Changes in friend groups – The individual may suddenly have a new set of friends, typically those who are also using drugs.
  • Unpredictable behavior – Mood swings, anxiety, and sudden aggressiveness can all be signs of heroin addiction.
  • Failed attempts to quit – Despite multiple attempts, the person is unable to stop using heroin.
  • Obsession with obtaining and using heroin – The individual spends a significant amount of time thinking about, obtaining, and using heroin.

Recognizing these behavioral changes can be an essential first step toward getting the necessary help for heroin addiction.

Contact Northpoint Nebraska Today

Knowing when to get help with heroin addiction is a courageous step. At Northpoint Nebraska, we provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. Our programs range from intensive inpatient care to flexible outpatient options, allowing us to accommodate various lifestyles and recovery needs.

If you or a loved one is struggling with heroin addiction, remember that help is available. At Northpoint Nebraska, we are committed to guiding you through every step of the recovery process, providing expert care in a supportive and modern environment.

Contact us online or by calling 888.351.3834 to start your journey toward recovery. We accept most insurance plans, and our admissions team is ready to answer any questions you may have.


1National Institute on Drug Abuse – “Drug Overdose Death Rates”

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