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12 Step Program

young woman smiling and leaning back in chart content with the 12 step program she followsFor those struggling with substance abuse, beginning recovery can be overwhelming. Knowing where to begin or whom to reach out to can be hard. Finding the right treatment facility and program that will work best for you is essential. Each person’s experience with addiction is different, and there is no single approach to recovery that works for everyone. Today there are a variety of different treatments, programs, and therapies that patients can receive. A 12-Step program is a popular and well-known treatment plan to overcome addiction. At Northpoint Nebraska, we provide many addiction treatment programs for our patients, including a 12-Step Program.

What is a 12-Step Rehab Program?

A 12-step rehab program is a plan to overcome addiction that consists of 12 steps. The basic premise is that people can help each other achieve and maintain sobriety. In addition, the 12-step program maintains that recovery is not possible unless people with addiction surrender to a higher power. This does not need to be a spiritual higher power but can instead be the community of program meetings, science, the universe, or humanity at large. The goal of a 12-step program in addiction treatment is to make the personal change needed to overcome addiction and live a sober life. 

The 12 steps to follow are:

  1. Surrender: Admit we were powerless over our addiction
  2. Hope: Came to believe that a power greater than us could restore us to sanity
  3. Commitment: Commit to trusting your higher power
  4. Honesty: Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
  5. Truth: The open acknowledgment of wrongdoing 
  6. Willingness: Decide to stop holding back
  7. Humility: Recognize how addiction is controlling your life and ask your higher power to remove your shortcomings
  8. Reflection: Make a list of all the people we have harmed and become willing to make amends
  9. Amendment: Make direct amends to the people we have harmed when possible
  10. Vigilance: Maintain your purpose despite discouragement 
  11. Attunement: Remember the positive lessons you have learned and remain open to messages of recovery
  12. Service: Carry the message of the 12 steps to others in need

The original 12-step program includes religion as a part of the recovery. However, many programs today have been modified to make them more secular. At Northpoint Nebraska, we have programs that follow the 12 steps as well as alternatives to the traditional 12 steps. 

12-Step Addiction Treatment

The 12-step rehab program is frequently recommended and used for addiction treatment. While originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, it can be used for various types of addictions and substances. As a peer-based mutual help program, members encourage each other to share their experiences with addiction to work together and help each other during recovery. 

The 12-step program requires effort and commitment, but it can be highly effective for those committed to recovery. There are many 12-step programs for various substance addictions. At Northpoint Nebraska, we provide treatment for multiple substances, including: 

  • Adderall
  • Cocaine
  • Fentanyl
  • Heroin
  • Marijuana
  • Meth
  • Opioids 

12-step addiction treatment is effective because it provides peer support and encouragement during recovery. The sponsorships and frequent meetings provide people with social support that holds them accountable as they work towards overcoming addiction. Sharing your story and listening to other patients’ battles with addiction is an important part of the recovery journey.

Finding a 12-Step Rehab Program in Nebraska at Northpoint Nebraska

At Northpoint Nebraska, we believe in the structure and accountability of 12-step programs. Having a support group and being able to speak with more than just a licensed counselor can have a profound positive impact on anyone experiencing substance abuse or a mental health disorder. We provide our patients with an integrated approach to addiction treatment. We offer a variety of treatments and programs that can be specialized to meet our patient’s specific needs. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, our team can help. Contact us at 888.351.3834 to learn more about our facility and 12-Step Program.Â